Friday, 29 May 2015

I'm about fine (PART 2, I suppose.)

The gunshots began to die off.

We've had a heavy desk barricading the door, listening as the Agency's support team of trained soldiers were slaughtered like sheep. The thing in the suit barged through the door, punting a heavy, oak desk across the room. It had at least three of those tentacle-like appendages extending from It's back (Which is rare, usually means it's pissed) and... it sort of stopped. Everyone - including, I suspect, The Giant Itself - was suspended in a state of shocked awe. I... if I didn't know better, I'd say it wasn't sure what it was doing.

And then some mentally deficient buffoon began firing on the Giant. It seemed to snap out of it, and charged, covering maybe fifteen meters in a second. As it lifts him up by the throat, another five men begin firing at it. After this, my memory begins to fail... but I distinctly remember several soldiers dying.

What happened next was far more interesting. It finished the last of the imbeciles who chose to fire on it, and turned to me. I, during the commotion, has pocketed a Webley Revolver, which I used to fire on the Giant. As I did this, I just about screamed something like;

"IT'S MY TURN THEN, NO?! Kill me! TAKE ME!" Maybe I was just tired of fighting. Or breathing. Or maybe if it took me, everyone else would be spared.

I don't know why. And then it just lifted me up, making this... noise. Obviously there was the ferocious buzzing that made it feel like my brain was vibrating in my head, but there was something else... like a croaking, gurgling noise I could just barely hear. Somehow... I don't know why or how or what caused this, but I got the feeling... I knew what it was trying to communicate(?);
"It is not yet your time," filled my mind.

Right before I passed out, I heard CJ scream something before throwing a pan of boiling liquid over The Giant, and it was gone - as was my consciousness.

I woke up about thirty minutes ago. Apparently, CJ poured some of the substance on the Giant, and it just... flickered. That's how she phrased it. I'll get CJ on here later to explain properly. The CCTV Camera is cracked, and still pretty distorted. The Timestamp completely disappeared during It's attack, and is still indiscernible now. But I have photographs. Only one camera out of the dozens remained operational. Here:

Aftermath of attack. Camera distortions still present. Damage to roof and floor visible.
Image from some time during the main attack. Subject's extra limbs are also visible. Fire in middle-right section visible.
 This is all I could get. The rest of the video is corrupted, and the camera has started taking very blurry images, probably because it's trying to focus on it's own lens or somesuch issue.

But this is progress. We stopped the Giant. Just once. We actually stopped it. Maybe we can even win.

Signing off, -/S/

I'm about fine.

I'm sorry if my writing is considerably less articulate, you should understand that I have barely woken up from a mix of fatigue, dehydration and... some other form of sickness (Detailed in an earlier post, nosebleeds and headaches etcetera.)

Apologies for CJ's... vulgar language. She's rather over-protective... and believes just threatening the Giant is enough to keep it away.

There's... a few things missing...

For example, I barely remember crying or walking out into the woods... but honestly that's the least worrying thing. CJ mentioned being relocated, which is a sign that the Giant is... I don't even know. Getting stronger? Angrier? We've seen It with increasing frequency. I'm still working on ways to combat it, but we have a few ideas. Any suggestions from those of you reading would also be greatly appreciated. Of course, understand that we can't detail out ideas jst yet, just out of concern that... He would see our ideas. I'm sure you can un



He's here. The front drive, it's striding up liek it owns the damn place. Better make this quick, not sure how long we have. I;ve never seen it move so fast, it's just... walking. Can't get in contact with the Agency we're on our own out here. ³nñŸyá“ r0$HÇv Æ’ssBÊ B and the Library is the most defensible room, and also opposite the front door. I don't know if this is the last time you'll read an update from us. the main enterence to the house is underattack, I can hear gunfire and screaming. My head is filled with a buzzing. I'll update if I can. If not... whoever's out there, take what I've learnt. The Substance is in a safe under one of the bookcases.

Come to 114ž.ËœÃèt¨ß § »#<!’;Ã5 Drive, Lancashire, England. You'll recognise what will probably be a burnt out building. I'm so, so sorry. jennifer. im coming to you.


Thursday, 28 May 2015

He Seemed Quiet...


/S/, of course. He won't touch this blog. He just keeps researching; all the damn time.

There's... something else...
The House our little team is staying at right now; I think it used to belong to /S/ (or someone in his family). Large, well-tended, also right by the woods (which carries positives and negatives when dealing with this... thing) - this is the house of a wealthy family. /S/ is staying in this Library, which has a back door bordering the woods. You might be able to see where this is going...

He's not been himself since we saw Him in the underpass. More and more, /S/ has been keeping himself to himself. In the middle of the night, my concern sometimes takes over me, and I go to the door too his study... coming so close to opening it. Most nights I think I hear crying. Sometimes I hear the wind. Last night was one of the latter, and I finally worked up the courage to open the door and make sure, y'know, he was okay.


He really, really, isn't. The back doors hung wide open, night air breaching these heavy impenetrable walls. And there's /S/, limping out from the treeline, heading straight for the library. He just looks so... hollow. I... couldn't tell since he usually wears long-sleeved formal-type clothes (he's old-fashioned but not old) but his sleeves were rolled up and it looked like he has scars on his wrists. I decided to leave for the time being and ask about it the next morning, and... this is difficult for me to explain.

Imagine leaving a downstairs Library (the size of a small church) through it's Mahogany doors, and find yourself in your room  - three floors and half way across the bloody house from the door you just left! I turn around and see a hallway in front of me, the correct one for the structure of the house... I don't know, maybe I just blacked out...

So I planned to speak to him this morning. Except, when we opened the door to his huge book dungeon, he just lay slumped on his desk. Turns out he's got fatigue and dehydration, he hasn't slept in about a week it seems. Just what the hell is going on?

And then, to top it all off, we see the fucking Tall Man in the garden. I think I know who/what did this to /S/. I Swear to whatever God that thing believes in I will kill it.

If Researcher wakes up... no, when he does, because he's that damned stubborn, I'll badger him about getting back on here. And maybe setting up defenses on this stupid place. I dunno.
Gotta go.


P.S. If that thing in the suit appears anywhere near this place, I'm gonna shove my boot so far where the sun doesn't shine, I'll give it a fucking face. Just saying.


Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Signing in, results of tests on (what we're calling the) 'Substance'

Since I don't currently have an email account for reasons that... are reasonable, /S/ let me use his.

I can't say anything about his name. I only know his forename and his second initial, but I also know something of discretion. My name is CJ, as I'm sure you can tell. S mentioned me in his last post, I'm the resident techie.

We've... been making some gains with the black substance that was found back in that underpass thing.
I'm far better at organizing these results than /S/, since I took them... So here you are:

Tests completed:
Substance conducts electricity albeit sporadically
Substance has strong if localized effects on electronics, likely electromagnetic in nature
Substance gives of faint odor we cannot identify
Substance produces bright white-blue light when exposed to open flame
Substance is soluble in water, and produces a murky black/dark green colored fluid.
Ash-like residue is left after Substance is burnt. Thermal imaging suggests extremely high temperatures produced when burnt -- the Substance is an excellent fuel source it seems
Substance does not appear affected by colder temperatures, apart from slight hardening

Tests Inconclusive:
How toxic is Substance?
Melting point of Substance?

Tests yet to be completed:
Does Substance have electromagnetic properties?
Does Substance have specific Radioactive properties?
What is the chemical makeup of the Substance?

We're still waiting for Agency backup. They're fucking useless, don't care what /S/ says.

That's all for now. Thanks for sticking with S and I. He's... concerning sometimes. I think without his little 'Destroy the Giant' goal, he'd have gone mad years ago.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and play videogames.

-CJ <3

EDIT: added one of the few photos that is remotely clear from our experiments. Substance produces similar distortion effects as our Well-Dressed Eldritch? -CJ

Monday, 25 May 2015

Posts (2001 & 2006) and New Theories

Someone has added posts to my account. Or maybe they were always there? I can't even tell anymore.

They're obviously attempting to goad me with mentions of Jennifer.
It's clearly a very busy day today.

Now, for the more interesting and important components of this post.


Since the Giant has begun following us (rather lightly), we've had more opportunity to study it.
Since I'm a Jack of all trades but an ace of few, a member of my team named CJ has chosen to help me. Highly intelligent and nice enough, she has an excellent technological knowledge and got a PhD in Theoretical Physics. She also seems to have a habit of looking at me intently when she thinks I can't see her... odd.

Regardless, her knowledge has been most useful. We're trying to ascertain the nature of the Giant, and obviously find ways of combating or defending from it. She'll probably end up posting on this blog from time to time, as well.

Firstly, returned to that underpass. Alex must have... done something to the Giant before his expiration, because some kind of residue was left behind. It was tar-like in appearance and... a little like treesap in consistency. My personal theory is that Alex overused his power and it destroyed him, but in doing so injured or at least slowed the Giant.
We took samples of the substance.

Theory: The substance is the blood of the Giant.
Test: Analyse for evidence of blood cells or other cellular structures both animal, plant and fungal in nature. Also analyse physical properties and if applicable elemental construct of the substance.

Theory: The substance is a residue of the Giant.
Test: Try and Taunt or Summon the Creature. Test for residue.

Notably, there are still some adverse effects on electronics near the underpass. Also, though I do not remember seeing any, metallic components of the area may have rusted in the week or so since the incident, though that may just be camera distortion of some form.

We also found two images on one of our cameras. I have no explanation for how they got there.

Perhaps some of the Giant's myths have an answer? Somehow, I'm doubtful.
Interestingly, tests of this camera show little blood on them (Alex's head imploded, there was... something of a spray.) and almost none on the lens - not enough by a long shot to lead to the first image.

Saw The Giant again. I would most likely have run if it weren't for my Spotify playlist.
Allow me to set the scene. It's my turn to go out and buy groceries for our group, and I'm striding confidently through the rain (I always preferred it to sunny weather, for whatever reason.) when I suddenly feel this... ominous dread-type sensation. (Note to self: test on whether or not this dread is the same for all victims, and if ignoring or suppressing it prevents visitations). 

Knowing what this meant, I sped up a little, got to the shop and bought everything, remembering to be really kind to the cashier (her mother died recently, freak-fire she heard.) and leave. About a minute and a half later, I see the Giant standing on a bridge over a river, which I have to walk past. So I ignored it. Weirdest part was how symbolic the music was;
I'll shamelessly admit to being a James Bond fan, and at that moment, the song Skyfall reached the part where it goes: "...You can take my name, but you'll never have my hea-a-a-art..." which of course felt fitting to my mood. (Note to self: Test effects of music during visitations, and possibly whether or not the HollowTree can be predicted through deja vu and the likes,)

The oddest part about this sighting was that the Giant didn't... 'feel' angry or sinister or happy to look at. It's whole body language suggested to me that it was solemn, perhaps even sad about what my fate may be? Who knows. I'm not entirely surprised the rain doesn't irritate him like it would a... well, anything else. Some folklore connects Him too it, in fact. Weird.


Yes, I've seen the post.

I don't know who put it there and I can't remove/edit it. Whoever you are, there are Laws against this kinda thing, I hope you know.

Yes. What they wrote is true. I've been working with an Agency for some time, as mentioned in earlier posts. Regardless, I have more research I hope to post later today or tomorrow. Yes, these coming weeks may be kind of busy. Have fun with that.


Interception A

C[Redacted], outside agent working with the Agency - codename '/Survivor/'
J[Redacted] Schmidt, director of S-M Division, Optic Nerve - codename 'The IronHand'
Steven Adams, R&D head of S-M Division - codename 'The Blacksmith'
Thornton Norman, Military head of S-M Division - codename 'The Soldier' (personal preference? "Leeroy  Jenkins" would suit)
Tim Solberg, [Redacted],[Redacted] of S-M Division - codename 'The Scientist'

[IronHand]: "Shall we begin?"
[Blacksmith]: "Zero objections."
[/S/]: "None [Data Lost] me."
[Soldier]: "Fine. Norman, what were you saying about your [Redacted], Solberg? Something of a breakthrough?"
[Blacksmith]: "He seems to think so, yes. We've built a device which may be able to detect the presence of The Quiet Phenomenon."
[/S/]: "'The Quiet Phenomenon'? Meaning the Giant?"
[IronHand]: "Yes, Mr. [Redacted], that is correct. 'The foulman and the greedy abomination' are other terms members of our organisation have taken to naming the Anomaly."
[/S/]: "Understood. Please, Steven, go on."
[Blacksmith]: "Alright then. if we can detect the Quiet Phenomenon we might be able to measure it and study it. Which could lead to the destruction of HollowTree."
[/S/]: "Hollow-Tree? You've lost me again - another term for the Giant?"
[IronHand]: "Correct, C[Redacted], apologies for not mentioning that one."
[Blacksmith]: "The device functions through [Data Lost], by measuring [Data Lost] in the [Data Lost]."
-\Written Note, 'Blacksmith' is distracted by computer readings.\
[Soldier]: "Adams rep[Data Lost] once! What ha[Data Corrupt/Lost]ou eggheads found over there?"
-\Written Note 02, data feed from Blacksmith's laboratory begins to cut out and distort. Exposure highly likely.\
[Blacksmith]: "We have had a huge sp--" "--eadings from the HollowTree detector, it's gotta b[Data Lost], we're done!" <Sudden burst of audio distortion from Blacksmith's channel, feed fails save for static interference.>
[Soldier]: "We need men down there now! Send everything we have!"
[IronHand]: "Wait. The Giant can't easily be fought with even our most [Redacted] weapons, not yet. Survivor, on that blog you run, you stated you require assistance. Where ar[Data Lost]"
[/S/?]: "[DATA LOST]"
[Soldier]; "[DATA LOST]eanwhile, we need to be sending someondown to Norman's location!
[IronHand]: "Fine. send someone down. Do it quickly. We--" <interrupted by Blacksmith's feed returning. Although noone appears injured and no technology has been damaged, all members of the science team are either unconscious or recovering from unconsciousness.>
[Blacksmith]: "We should end this meeting. Better to discuss in person, Sir. Mr. Norman, S, thank you for your audience but I think we should adjourn for now."
[/S/]: "Agreed. You know my location. We expect immediate assistance."
[Soldier]: "Agreed also. Eggheads, we need you to be figuring out how to stop this thing, before it attacks us again.
[IronHand]: "Very well then. Tell Mr. Solberg personal congratulations from me. His bonus will be exceptional this year."
<Connections Cut.>

I thought it beneficial that everyone see this. /S/ can't keep secrets from you, they don't protect him. They weaken us all.

Have a good night, day, evening or externus depending on who/what's reading.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

A Weakness?

As the subtitle of this blog would suggest, I'm a researcher. That's what I've been doing, and I may have found something.

They call it the "Horizon's Blade', which exists in some form across most cultures - making this artifact somewhat compelling. Two different civilizations telling almost identical stories over a century apart would be compelling alone, but multiple unrelated societies including such a similar artifact, the only mythological construct more compelling I've seen is the Giant, which appeared across every, single, human civilization at least four times.

Regardless, this blade. It's said to be about four feet in length, curved at the end and made of a Glass-like Material that "...Shines with the colors of the heavens," as one source puts it. The blade itself is constructed of some form of sharp semi-transparent material with "...stained sections, multiple of them, without a barrier between each and instead a gradient...", and a "...blade edged with the skin of the Horizon, a weapon not even Gods can resist, as all must yield unto."

It's said that the Blade was made to kill the Giant - a God Slayer they called it - and that every color of the sky reflects through it. Apparently, it resonates or hums, strange and subtle sound emanating from it. There's one thing that leads me to believe in this artifact's truth... a single contemporary example. Erin Callaghan owned the Horizon's Blade (or some variant therein), while being chased by the Giant. She claimed that the sword whispered to her; that it was sentient. She used it against the Giant one day and discovered it's purpose. A sound like ripping paper roared through the air and she barely even scraped the Tall Man's chest. It ran, apparently. Disappearing like it has appeared so many times, Miss Callaghan did not see It for numerous months. Sadly, that did not stop the Giant from killing her, in the end, and the Horizon's blade was lost. I could disclose the location she had lived, but due to the way that the knife operates, it's probably miles away and decades from now.

The Horizon's Blade functions similarly to the Giant, and the existence of a 'perfect host' may in fact hamper or destroy the Giant. A 'perfect host' would be a Human Being acting as a conduit for the Giant (or something else)'s power. If the knife operates similarly, it may be targeting or joining those who can use it. If so, it is likely more powerful or useful in the hands of someone with the correct physical/psychic properties.
Obtain a conduit, preferably a perfect one (analysis of possible results suggests people with mild Asperger's Syndrome and a higher than average IQ are likely to be excellent conduits), and expose them to the knife. Observe it's power and use in the hands of an average human being, and compare with that of a conduit.

Even if the Blade exists, finding it will be most difficult. It probably only appears to those 'worthy' or capable.
Other weaknesses must be found and exploited. I find the facts we learned from Jace's case are uplifting - The Giant is not omniscient, and can be ambushed or surprised at the least.

I should end this here. Expect more soon. for now,


Thursday, 21 May 2015


Apologies for the late post.

The Giant found us. He came for us. We're running, I'm terrified... We...
Control yourself.

We'd just visited the funeral of Jace.
There, we found another survivor. His name was Alex. Jace was one of his close friends, and the Giant took an interest, it seems. When he mentioned the blacking out and nose bleeds, we knew he would have to be taken into our care. He was being hollowed out, you see, and it was... killing him. Alex was only a boy... and if we could reverse this, we could save them all. Maybe. So we took him in.

It turns out he was more than just a Hallowed - he was a host. I mentioned the idea a while back, that the Giant could find or construct some perfect adapter to Human form but... Alex wasn't finished. The Giant had dumped his form for someone else, and from the 'glimpses' of it's mind he got... they weren't in good shape, whoever it had chosen.

Regardless, we took him for experimentation and discovered that a small portion of the Giant's power had been left in him. He had slight... abilities, he could warp around the way the Giant does, he affected electronics, and could see everything around him - but this hurt him, and the longer he did it, the closer he got to burning up. Nevertheless, we continued our experiments; there has not been anyone as powerful as he was in... years, at least. We thought... if anyone that powerful could live with all that energy flowing through them... they'd be able to fight the Giant.

One afternoon, we were close to a breakthrough. The sun was still shining over us (at first), even as it set. We got quite a way with it all - Alex said he felt stronger than ever, that he might even be ready to move time... if that's possible, of course, and then the rain came. Sudden and unexpected, the skies turned dark grays and blacks, heavy rain hitting our backs as we rushed to get our equipment inside. We only experimented outside in case of an accident, of course...

We looked for shelter, anywhere we could. There was a concrete tunnel close by, lit with electric lights - that would of course be our first port of call in this strange weather, and our 'base' was quite a few minutes of running away, the equipment would likely not survive. We entered, propping up our tripods with infrared cameras and arc lamps and the likes against a wall as the lights began to flicker. Ominous and boringly cliche, I know, but we didn't expect the Giant to appear out of nowhere, arms outstretched at the end of this little tunnel.

Alex died. his head fell apart, it looked like it imploded. We managed to escape with most of the equipment, but the Giant is following us now. We're awaiting Agency assistance, they aren't as strong as in the... older days, they have less manpower.

Regardless, I have recovered two photographs. The camera was almost entirely destroyed.