Thursday, 28 May 2015

He Seemed Quiet...


/S/, of course. He won't touch this blog. He just keeps researching; all the damn time.

There's... something else...
The House our little team is staying at right now; I think it used to belong to /S/ (or someone in his family). Large, well-tended, also right by the woods (which carries positives and negatives when dealing with this... thing) - this is the house of a wealthy family. /S/ is staying in this Library, which has a back door bordering the woods. You might be able to see where this is going...

He's not been himself since we saw Him in the underpass. More and more, /S/ has been keeping himself to himself. In the middle of the night, my concern sometimes takes over me, and I go to the door too his study... coming so close to opening it. Most nights I think I hear crying. Sometimes I hear the wind. Last night was one of the latter, and I finally worked up the courage to open the door and make sure, y'know, he was okay.


He really, really, isn't. The back doors hung wide open, night air breaching these heavy impenetrable walls. And there's /S/, limping out from the treeline, heading straight for the library. He just looks so... hollow. I... couldn't tell since he usually wears long-sleeved formal-type clothes (he's old-fashioned but not old) but his sleeves were rolled up and it looked like he has scars on his wrists. I decided to leave for the time being and ask about it the next morning, and... this is difficult for me to explain.

Imagine leaving a downstairs Library (the size of a small church) through it's Mahogany doors, and find yourself in your room  - three floors and half way across the bloody house from the door you just left! I turn around and see a hallway in front of me, the correct one for the structure of the house... I don't know, maybe I just blacked out...

So I planned to speak to him this morning. Except, when we opened the door to his huge book dungeon, he just lay slumped on his desk. Turns out he's got fatigue and dehydration, he hasn't slept in about a week it seems. Just what the hell is going on?

And then, to top it all off, we see the fucking Tall Man in the garden. I think I know who/what did this to /S/. I Swear to whatever God that thing believes in I will kill it.

If Researcher wakes up... no, when he does, because he's that damned stubborn, I'll badger him about getting back on here. And maybe setting up defenses on this stupid place. I dunno.
Gotta go.


P.S. If that thing in the suit appears anywhere near this place, I'm gonna shove my boot so far where the sun doesn't shine, I'll give it a fucking face. Just saying.


1 comment:

  1. Oh how full of love you are for your little companion.
