Friday, 29 May 2015

I'm about fine.

I'm sorry if my writing is considerably less articulate, you should understand that I have barely woken up from a mix of fatigue, dehydration and... some other form of sickness (Detailed in an earlier post, nosebleeds and headaches etcetera.)

Apologies for CJ's... vulgar language. She's rather over-protective... and believes just threatening the Giant is enough to keep it away.

There's... a few things missing...

For example, I barely remember crying or walking out into the woods... but honestly that's the least worrying thing. CJ mentioned being relocated, which is a sign that the Giant is... I don't even know. Getting stronger? Angrier? We've seen It with increasing frequency. I'm still working on ways to combat it, but we have a few ideas. Any suggestions from those of you reading would also be greatly appreciated. Of course, understand that we can't detail out ideas jst yet, just out of concern that... He would see our ideas. I'm sure you can un



He's here. The front drive, it's striding up liek it owns the damn place. Better make this quick, not sure how long we have. I;ve never seen it move so fast, it's just... walking. Can't get in contact with the Agency we're on our own out here. ³nñŸyá“ r0$HÇv Æ’ssBÊ B and the Library is the most defensible room, and also opposite the front door. I don't know if this is the last time you'll read an update from us. the main enterence to the house is underattack, I can hear gunfire and screaming. My head is filled with a buzzing. I'll update if I can. If not... whoever's out there, take what I've learnt. The Substance is in a safe under one of the bookcases.

Come to 114ž.ËœÃèt¨ß § »#<!’;Ã5 Drive, Lancashire, England. You'll recognise what will probably be a burnt out building. I'm so, so sorry. jennifer. im coming to you.


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